venerdì 6 aprile 2007

Campaign pro-lacity launched by a florentine radio

Hey there!
I'll attach here a document found on the site of a florentine radio called Controradio. They're very popular in Florence and in the whole Tuscany, since they try to make a kind of counter-alternative information, dealing with topics of social and political interest.
The document is of course in italian, but I'll try to make a kind of sum up afterwards...

I decided to write this here since this document talk about Laicity: a very hot topic in argument that people don't like to discuss about, but that should be better if sometimes they have done it instead of complaining without doing nothing to make an effective change in our society...

Controradio lancia la campagna "UNO STRACCIO DI LAICITà". Lanciata quasi per gioco dai microfoni di Controradio, la campagna ha subito dilagato. Questa mattina abbiamo cominciato scherzando con i nostri ascoltatori: mettiamo uno straccetto colorato alle nostre borse, alle auto, agli scooter, alle finestre, uno straccetto per dichiarare pubblicamente la nostra voglia di laicità e la nostra contrarietà alle pesanti e quotidiane ingerenze del Vaticano nella vita politica italiana. E scegliete voi il colore. Gli ascoltatori hanno scelto: rosa scuro (porpora?).
Un microfono aperto lanciato quasi per gioco si è trasformato subito in un diluvio di telefonate per testimoniare la voglia di laicità. Da questa mattina a Controradio (via del Rosso Fiorentino 2b, 50142 Firenze) sono disponibili straccetti per tutti. E sono già decine gli ascoltatori che sono passati a ritirarlo. Coloriamo la città, come già è accaduto a Firenze, con le bandiere della pace e gli straccetti bianchi di Emergency. Oltre alle telefonate continue stiamo ricevendo anche proposte - da parte di edicolanti, commercianti, benzinai - di essere punto di distribuzione degli straccetti. Siamo tutti divorziati (e aspettiamo la comunione), siamo tutti conviventi, siamo tutti gay, siamo tutti credenti e tutti laici. Ma vogliamo che lo stato sia laico. Contro lo scontro di civiltà. Contro la campagna vaticana martellante, pesante e volgare, giorno dopo giorno che iddio mette in terra. A questa volontà scientifica di provocazione, laici e credenti (uniti nella lotta) rispondono in maniera pacifica, brillante, simpatica, e non violenta.

So... the campaign exposed in the document has been launched as a joke by this radio and it has been made in order to support the right of being a lay State. From the radio's microphones they suggested to the listeners to put a small piece of purple fabric where they would prefer (on the bag, on the scooter, inside the car, on the wrist...) to declare the own claim for laicity and to yell against the constant intromission of the Vatican in the italian politics.
As it was for the Social Forum when Florence was all colored by the "Peace flags", let's try to do the same now with those purple stripes and claim our wish, our need of laicity!

I'll briefly try to translate here just the last sentences of the document, since I found them very beautiful:
...We are all divorced (and we're waiting for the communion), we're all partners, we're all gays. But we want that our State as a lay State. Against the civilian fight. Against the dull, bothering and vulgar Vatican campaign. (...) At this scientific wish of provocation both lay people and believers (togehter in the fight) answer in a pacific, brilliant, funny and not violent way.

...followed by Stockholm

Well...without words. Stockholm is such a brillian amazing city! Trust's first of all, very romantic...entirely made by islands; then it's very active and full of life. In every corner there's something to discover, and the different parts of the city are also very different by the others. Of course it's possible to find any kind of place according to the tastes of everyone (also to the very tourists...of eh!)
If u want to have a panoramic view of the city it's enough going on th top of some hills and being fashinated watching down.
Two days (as to say the time that I spent there) are really nothing to visit Stockholm... but if u've the chance to have a nice guide as Anders (my couchsurfer) has been with me, u'll discover the main interesting points of the city sooner! :)

And about the feelings related with the city...I don't know... i've been there too short to give my real poit of view... But my first impression has been of a very active city...not kind of slow as Copenhagen for example (that's still beautiful, not misunderstand me,please!).
And...the last but not the least, Swedish people, finally, CROSS THE STREET WITH THE RED LIGHTCROSS!! Thank you guys!! Eh eh! :D

A short trip in the middle of Scandinavia... Helsinki first...

Hey men, hey dudes...
sorry to everybody (to whom,then?! How many people could ever read my blog?! 2-3... whenever...!, I didn't upload anything for a life...
I'll try to solve my debts now...

Well,,I just came back from an amazing short (very)Scandinavian trip. I'v been in Helsinki (to meet my lovely ex-flatmate Manza, alias Fab) and then to Stockholm. I travelled 6 days in all - if I also count the wonderfull 10 hours by bus from Stockholm to Copenhagen...lovely...! -

Anyway...what can I say?! Helsinki from the poit of view of the city is not wonderful...but it's just according to personal tastes I guess... It's a post-industrial the downtown is mainly new-bulided, with loads of shopping-centers and bran new buildings.
But from the naturalistic point of view it's something amazing... really I can't describ it with words...and also the pics I took are so distant from the truth... So, the only chance u have to understand is to come and see! :)
I don't wanna be too long...but we went to this island calles Suomenlina which is a UNESCO property. Basically...that's "nothing special" there...but it's exactly this which makes of Suomenlina an incredible place. The nature is absolutely wild...and the human intervation is still not so strong.
Another wonderful island is called the Squirrels island, and we went there to make a pic-nic and playing frisbee. That's anothere mazing place...where the light was so bright and white that was hard to keep on walking without th sun glasses. (And that's a kind of paradox if u think that in some points ofth island there was still the ice or the snow...)
We went there in a too cozy cafè there which used to be a house for fishermen and which is now runned by a family. That's the kind of place where the coffe, even if it's just coffe, has got a different taste... and from where u can stay there watching the iced-sea and thinking about...nothing...?!

I don't know...I really would like to write more (that's my problem...if I start writing I hardly stop soon...! Opssss!), but maybe it's better if I'll stop here and I'll keep on talking briefly about the wonderful Stockholm in the next page!