mercoledì 10 gennaio 2007

C'mon...let's re-appropriate of our space!

Another reason why I'm here in Denmark is to write my thesis...
And what my thesis will talk about?!
About re-appropriation of space! What?! What a fuck are you saying Martina,c'mon?!
Yes, I know...unusual topic...and hard to find litterature about, at least in Italy. That's why I chised to find part of the matherial I need here in Denmark.
Actually, it' not true that there's no matherial on cultural resistance, that's just what the main media want to let you believe. Cultural resistance is one of the most powerfull way to be listened from the's a secondary way, that's true...but the important is to pursue and to obtain the goal, right?!

The link I attached here belong to a group of German media-activist: LIGNA.
They made wonderful works related with the right that people have to re-take their own space.
They work against privatisation of public spaces, since they believe that the ground where people walk has to belong to people, not to big Companies or private owners.

Just scroll down the page and click on the videos, the most known are: Radio Ballet, I Am(not)sterdam, and Permanent Breakfast.

Enjoy and think about that!

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