giovedì 27 dicembre 2007

An unusual Christmas day

Since here I can't update you with my news as much as I would like, I decided to write down only the events who has been more important for me till now, during this period.

For sure, I can really say to have had one of the more unusual Christmas day of my life. For the day of the 25th I was working wit hthe kids of Burji-Al-Shamali, which a muslim village and so they don't celebrate Christmas of course.
We had a view of the whole village, which really impressed me, since, till that moment, we hadn't any chance to get out of "home"...
It has been really marvelous, since we could be part of the everyday life of those people, entering (not so easily of course...) in their homes, and shooting the women who were keeping in hiding their beautiful faces.

It was so cute when one of the girl dressed up herseld like Santa Clause to wish us a Merry Christmas! So cute!! :)



P.S. Since apparently Blogspot is not fxing the uploading proble, please, have a look at my puics on:

mercoledì 26 dicembre 2007

One feet in Lebanon!

Ok...this evening internet seems to be nice with I'll try to write something more.

I let you narrating how we finally managed to crodd the border between Syrian and Lebanon. It took almost one hour to complete all the burocracy stuff...and, I understood thta in arabian countires, the important is paying! When you pay some extras, you'll be able to go everywhere.
When we arrived on the other side, we have been involved in a "tripping trip" with the Coran prayer as a soundtrack. We kept on driving for more than 1 hour and a half, without saying a single word. When we reached the meeting point we met Jack which came to pick us up and bring us to the hostel (relious staff again...arggg, double argggg!) where the others were waiting for us.
The dream was reality now: we were in Lebanon, in Beirut. And everything was looking so fantastic, everything was shining, like in Istanbuyl. It was almost impossible believing that such a modern and bright city was the cenario of a evil war.

After a few we met Ilaria, Alessia, Ali (a Lebanese friend which at the moment is hre with us in the camp) and Marinello in that place, and we decided to go eating something outside. We found a kind of left-wing pseudo-artistic club, where we drunk like animals and we eat in a wonderful way. After the whilw the atmosphere started to became "interesting" and we started dancing like crazy...arabian music of course! :) It's there where me and Elisa signed a pact with ourselves: we decided that we had to learn how to be real females emulating the arabians!! What a style...what a sensivitness! Really great!
In that place I also met the most beautiful guy I've ever seen! Believe me! I never seen such a deep and light blue eyes. Wow! Well...I think that who told me that Lebaneses are the typical arabian beauty for excellence...saied right! :P

Well...we came back "home" stisfied and happy to be have started this adventure with the best mood ever!

See u soon with the continue...


P.S. Blogsppt doesn't allow me anymote to upload photos...fuckkkk! It's frustrating, since my role here is "photoreporter"... I would like to share with u all my shots...but I can't. :( I hope they'll fix this problem soon...

lunedì 24 dicembre 2007

technical problems...

Hello guys, I'm really sorry, but today I'll have to skip the update of my trip. We had several technical problems during the day about the internet connection... that's why now we're really late with the job and I have no time to write about my stuff...

Tomorrow there will be the beginning of the laboratories with the guys...we're preatty excited! :)

I promise I'll write everything asap!


P.S. If you want to see the pics of the camp, please watch because I can't upload anything here at the moment... slow connection... :(

domenica 23 dicembre 2007

trip in progress...

Hi guys, here we go with the second part of my trip...
I let you that I was entered in Damascus, where I met Elisa and we spent the whole night, and finally, after almost 24 hours...sleeping like a baby!
The day after we want for a walk in the old city and in the street market. It was so lively, and so coloured! First thing we decided to do was starting getting closer and closer with the syrian cultureeating their tasty food! The first thing we try, really risking our stomaches, was a fruit juice (I've no idea which kind it was...but it was delicious!) and a banana milk shake! Slurp!!!
We continued with 2 biiiiig croissants filled with cheese and chocolate! Nothing to do with our croissants, of course! :)
We were feeling really observed from the people walking along the market, honestly...I guess it was because we were looking really like the perfect f****** tourists. I hope that we will be able to mix with local people in a few, to really feel at ease. The first step to understand a culture, in my opinion, is starting to think and to live like them. Even if...arabian women are really gorgeous! Even if they can't show their body, they know how to look like real females!
I still have no a clear idea abou the beauty of the arabian men...but somebody told me that LEbanese men are the most beautiful arabians in the world. So...I'm looking for! :)

Well...let's go on...
After this short trip around Damascus, we came back home and we collected our stuff ino rder to gewt to the airport and meet Saverio and Vito.
The meeting at the airport was really!! Now we were really all!! The project was going to start.
We bargain a lot to have a discount to get from there to Beirut, where the rest of the crew was waiting for us. We didn't like to idea to be treated as "normal turists" and paying such a high price... After a long long bargain, we had a discount, but not as much as we hoped. Nevermind... The darkness was coming and we really needed to reach Beirut.
We took the first taxi, in very funny conditions... but, after a while the driver told us that we should go to another car 'coz he had no permitions to pass the border. WHAT?!!!! WHAT THE F****...?! But, problem! Everything it's possible.. no problem (mufi musckida!) we just jump in the car of a friend of him along the highway! :)
After a long trip we got the border, and... thta's another story... :)
I'll go on with my trip in the next page... (if the electricity will be nice with me, of course!)


And now...the first shots...

Wow... it seems like I manage to create my first slide show presentation...
It's just to try, but... I hope u'll enjoy it! :)

sabato 22 dicembre 2007

First updating from Lebanon!

Hi guys! Here I am... in Tyro, in the south of Lebanon.
We arrived this morning, after an allucinating trip from Beirut.

Well, ok, guys...just a little bit of order...
I'll try to explain you my last 2 days in a chronological order:
First of all, I started my "trip" on Thursday morning, at 6:00, getting by train from Florence to Rome in order to fly to Damascus. My flight wasn't direct to Syria, and I had to stop for 8 hours in Istanbul, in order to catch the second flight and reaching my goal! :)
I thought that 8 hours were really too long to wait inside an I decided to have a walk for the city, and I took the metro to get to the the center.
It was really dark and cold, so I couldn't walk a long, but of course I went to visit the Blue Moskee and Santa Sofia.

After a while that I was walking and planning to eat one of the wonderful and fat typical turkish pastries, I was stopped from a Turkish guy, who invited me in his souvenir shop to have an apple tea. Wow...I was so was absolutely was I needed in that moment! So nice... thank you man! He also give me a present: a small Halla's eye made by glass. He told me it will bring me good luck. :) Let's cross the fingers!!

Then, when the time to come back to the airport was getting closer and closer, I started my opposite trip. It was around 20:45 and my flight was at 23:45, and I really had no idea of what to do... I was too tired to keep on reading the book by Terzani ..and if I had listed to music I was afraid to fall asleep and miss my flight... Damn'! A nightmare! the chance, the time passed quite fast, watching people and trying to guess the destinations of the other passengers. And...I boarded to Damascus' flight!!! Luckly I had the chance to spoke, during the flight, with a very nice woman who was working for a syrian NGO, and who was very interested in our project.

Well...I've to say that I found a lot, a lot, a lot of friendly people... I couldn't immagine such a deep hospitality. I can't count how many times I've heard the sentence: "you're welcome". Preatty amazing!

At the end, I reached Damascus, where I had to wait more than one hour to pass the passport controls, and going out.
The first thing that really surprised me was that Lebanes people smoke everywhere...but really everywhere! Also inside the airport and the offices! The paradise for the smokers!!

Well...a part from that...
When I went out I knew I had to catch a taxi and get to Bab Tuma (a dor to access the old city of Damascus)where Elisa would have been waiting for me.
I chose, of course, the most illegal taxi-driver I could find, who, at the beginning, had no idea of where the place was. The trip was short...but really exciting, considering the conditions of the street, (something unbelivable...really!)
But I was experiencing the real feeling of the trip...the very sensation of going along a straight way without anything on both the sides.
Exactly there, I met Elisa, who was waiting for me in a extremely live and noisy Damascus, where everybody was colling us by name and inviting us for a drink or to a party.

Well...for the moment I think it's enough. I'll tell you later how we met Saverio and Vito at the airport and how me reached Beirut and then Tiro.
I know, I'm a bit late in updating the news, since here in the refugee camp we have a very slow connection, and eventually the electricy stops. I'll do my best to keep you informed about this experience, don't worry! :)
I'll dowload the photos and I'll add them asap, because, believe me, here the landscapes are amazing!

Don't forget:


giovedì 13 dicembre 2007


Hi fox!
I'm so sorry, but I've never been so busy as this time!
Actually, it happened so many things , but I really really really hadn't time to write anything.

I think I never talked about the volunteer camp where I'll take aprt from the 20th of December, right?! Mmmmm... well...opsss...

By the way, I've to rush now, so, I'll quickly add the links necessary for you to understand at least a little bit something more about that.
I'm encharged of the press release...that's really exciting, but also very stressing...and expecially in this period, when I'm plnty of interviews and stuff like that, it's really a big effort for me...

Anyway...I also posted the links as permanent on the right coloumn, so you'll beOBLIGED to follow me and my happenings when I'll be there, as to say, in less than one week...
Oh, gosh!!

that's the blog we'll update from there: Volontari Sci Libano

and that's an address where will be on-line from the 13th to the 14th of this month, in order to present the project... Stay tuned!!

lunedì 3 dicembre 2007

What a woman!!

You will have to be positive shocked watching at this live performance by Kaki King!

Stay tuned!!