domenica 14 gennaio 2007

The era of the prediction...

Reading and reading for my next exam I was really impressed by an essay by Paul Virilio. I just wrote some quotes here. Well, at first sight maybe they're obvious, but just think that he wrote the book "The lost dimension" in 1983...

"The third window is a recent invention: the television screen, a removable and portable window that open onto the fals day of the speed of light emissions. The television screen is an introverted window, one which no longer opens onto adjoining space but instead faces beyound the perceptible horizon. (...) This view of telematic and megapolitan management seems to have found a supporter, recently, in the person of Jacques Cousteau. According to Cousteau, in the year 2000 Paris will have to be a federation of villages in which communication will occour through video rather than physical transport of people."

...And it was only a theory of more than 20 years ago...

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