venerdì 6 aprile 2007

...followed by Stockholm

Well...without words. Stockholm is such a brillian amazing city! Trust's first of all, very romantic...entirely made by islands; then it's very active and full of life. In every corner there's something to discover, and the different parts of the city are also very different by the others. Of course it's possible to find any kind of place according to the tastes of everyone (also to the very tourists...of eh!)
If u want to have a panoramic view of the city it's enough going on th top of some hills and being fashinated watching down.
Two days (as to say the time that I spent there) are really nothing to visit Stockholm... but if u've the chance to have a nice guide as Anders (my couchsurfer) has been with me, u'll discover the main interesting points of the city sooner! :)

And about the feelings related with the city...I don't know... i've been there too short to give my real poit of view... But my first impression has been of a very active city...not kind of slow as Copenhagen for example (that's still beautiful, not misunderstand me,please!).
And...the last but not the least, Swedish people, finally, CROSS THE STREET WITH THE RED LIGHTCROSS!! Thank you guys!! Eh eh! :D

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