martedì 27 novembre 2007

A little bit of order, please...

Hi everybody!
Yep, it's mee again: the lost-Martina.
Actually it's true, I've been very lost in the past days. I've been too stressed and too demotivated to upload my blog, that's a shame...sorry...but that's te truth...
I also decided to start writing in English again. It doesn't mean that I want to show you how smart I am writing in another language (N.B:nobody will NEVER doubt how smart I am, in general!! Ehmmm... mmmmmmhhhhh...well...), but the fact is that I don't like cheating anylonger about the goal of this blog. As to say...when I opened this blog I chose to do it in English in order to share my experiences with as many people as possible, trying to break any kind of language barrier. But, immediately after I was back in Italy, I lost any kind of curiosity and "input" to do this again. I kept on writing in italian for a long time... falling down in the "black whol" of the every(fuckin')day-life.
That's the way is...
But, now, I decided that I want to try again, I want to resist to the spleen of banality! I know that maybe sounds like stupid, but I still remember the positive mood I had once, and how curiose I was about life and about my surrounding... that's part of me, I don't wanna lose it!!'ll try to sum up shortly (in the following posts) the last happenings of my life, just to give you a brief idea of what has been my life in the last months...

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